Texplorers can explore the history and culture of Texas.

General Photographs Collection, UTSA Special Collections.

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Texplorers can explore the history and culture of Texas.
/ Tekˈsplôrər/
Noun: one who explores Texas to familiarize themself with experiences of its historical culture.
We've made it easy for you to learn about Texas' cultural history and make plans for experiencing it as part of our America250 celebration. Here is where you can begin learning about the various cultures of Real People and Real Places that have played a role in making both Texas and American history.
Harrison County Texas America 250 encourages educators and parents to help by getting students involved in the America's Field Trip Contest. We have put together this page for people to learn about our history while providing them with opportunities and ways for them to experience it. In doing so, we invite everyone to engage with us to accomplish the following goals.
Enhance civic knowledge of the founding principles of the county and the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Encourage Texans to unite in commemorating the Semiquincentennial.
Promote scholarships and research that illuminates the history of the American West and Texas' role in the formation of the nation.
Recognize the service and sacrifices of Veterans and their families who have protected our liberties and independence for future generations.
Collect, track, and share information about Texas events and activities planned for the 250th Anniversary of the United States and assess and report to the State on their impact.​​​
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